I was called by a reporter recently, who asked if I would be seeking re-election to the South Kitsap School Board. When I said, "yes", she asked why. My answer was three-fold...
First, I have served you well as your representative. I have been a strong voice for transparency in what we do and how we spend taxpayer dollars. I have raised questions that, while sometimes aren't the most comfortable of discussions, have promoted increased accountability, responsiveness, and focus on our student achievement priorities. I have engaged you, the public, via blogs, conversation, and email, and have been responsive to concerns, criticism, and in celebrating success.
Second, I have been a strong advocate for public education at local, state, and federal levels. As your elected school board member, I have regularly engaged our state and federal representatives about K-12 education issues. Eighteen months ago, I was elected by my fellow school board members in surrounding local school districts to serve on the Washington State School Director's Association (WSSDA) Legislative Committee. For the past two years, I have also served on the Federal Relations Network. Through these opportunities, the needs of South Kitsap school children and our families have a strong voice in the legislative process on education issues. I will continue to encourage and help to shape education and education finance reform, insist upon fiscal and performance accountability, and promote rigorous student achievement priorities.
Third, my children approved my running again. Their vote mattered most to me in whether to run again. Balance is an art and I am not always the best of artists. Their endorsement of my running again was an approval rating of my efforts in the art of balance. For their approval and patience, I am humbled and grateful.
Each year, as I am honored to preside, with the rest of the School Board, at Graduation Night, I am in awe of the "stories behind the faces" as these wonderful young people walk at Graduation. While I will have a favorite in the Class of 2010 and the Class of 2013, I could not be more proud of each of our graduates and of our community for what you invest in them as taxpayers, parents, teachers, coaches, advisors, friends, and neighbors.
I ask for your support and vote in 2009 because I have demonstrated my commitment to the best possible public education for our children. With your support and vote, you have my commitment to continue to do so for another four years.
Kathryn Simpson